Re-entry into orbit
MusingElloise Bennetttravel, travel writing, foundtravel, found travel, elloise bennett, expat, expat life, emotions, going home, moving, USA, Europe, America, Jerry Springer, boobs, this american life
New Amsterdam
Travel, Musing, RelationshipsElloise Bennetttravel, travel writing, foundtravel, found travel, Amsterdam, elloise bennett, moving, new york, New amsterdam, Begijnhof, relationships
Musing, Travel, My Father's Husband, RelationshipsElloise Bennetttravel, travel writing, elloise bennett, france, expat, expat life, moving
Time Warp
Musing, Travel, My Father's HusbandElloise Bennetttravel, travel writing, foundtravel, found travel, elloise bennett, amsterdam, moving, expat, canals
Musing, RelationshipsElloise Bennettelloise bennett, father, brother, relationships, siblings, relativity, wisdom, experience, loss, loss of a parent
Outsider In
Hump Day at Planned Parenthood
Summer Sunsets
I spell home Y-O-U
Relationships, MusingElloise Bennetttravel writing, emotions, loss, love, elloise bennett, my father, my father's husband, divorce, dating, lock, unfinished, home
Je t'aime
Travel, Musing, My Father's HusbandElloise Bennettelloise bennett, travel, travel writing, my father's husband, france, french, language, female travel
Why are wine racks too small and other things that don't make sense...