I believe in love...
Heart openers.
I think that's the term they use in Yoga.
Do they mean the muscle, or the MUSCLE? The heart behind the heart?
I believe in love. In deep, giving, surrendering, gracious, unconditional... love.
Not love like what they describe in the movies - where it consumes, warps, devours.
I believe in love that makes you smile when you wake up. That makes you want to give and give up. That makes you want to make room in your life. That makes you laugh with joy. That makes you certain you are worthy of being love for no reason at all. That makes you open yourself and your heart.
Heart openers.
Despite the many bruises my heart has had... and man, there have been many... I believe in love.
My dog taught me that ;p
Just being in love. What else can you do when confronted with this face!