SuperWoman say 'What?!?!'

I get why there was a devision of labor in ancient cultures.

I hate it... But I get it.

I'm a woman who works hard. Very hard. I have a successful business by any person's standards- with a staff who rely on me and the paycheck I mail out, with clients all over the USA, a subsidiary in Europe, processing millions of dollars. I'm a partner in a bed and breakfast where I do everything from managing the social media and the books to changing sheets. I teach courses at a respected America university. I blog and I write novels.

And I have a 17-year old brother for who I am serving as co-guardian and a sister who needs my support and attention.

I don't have time to shave my legs or think about getting my nails done or go on a date.

I think... Often... Sometime between sending the 300th email for the day and answering the 200th voicemail... That I don't have the energy or the time to go 'home' and deal with homework and grades.

Or doing someone else's dishes.

It's awful. I know. Why is it awful? I don't know.

But I often find myself thinking...'Don't they get it? I run a company and have a 100 staff members who rely on me! I don't have time or energy for more.'

Is this what successful men think? Is this what my ex-husband thought when he would ask for some downtime before dinner to unwind?

Why do people look at me weird when I tell them I don't have time to reply to their texts? Or am I imagining it?

Yes, there are moments to stop and smell the roses - but they are SO few, I value and cherish them like diamonds.

Where and why does the guilt come from?

And when do I get a chance to say 'I can't be everything to everyone...' and not feel like a failure for putting up those boundaries?

I want a house-husband.

Does that make me a fail as SuperWoman?


Sometimes we need a helper...

Sometimes we need a helper...