Summer Sunsets
There's something magical about the way the setting summer sun feels.
I pedal my practical Dutch-style granny-bike along the narrow French country road. Around me everything is green, lush, thick with the promise and bounty of summer. Sunflowers already bowing to the change of temperature, the end of the day.
And then the sun... sprinkled between the leaves, showering me with light in the break between the trees.
No photo can truly capture the way the light feels as it filters through your lashes, warms the skin of your face, comforts your heart.
The scent of lavender and figs and BBQ and turned earth. The last taste of rosé wine on my lips... this is summer. This is fullness. This is beauty. This is life.
Just outside Nérac, Southwest France, on a warm July evening.
Among the vineyards, watching the sun slowly set.